Tech Events in New Zealand

A service provided by the IT Professionals (ITP)

Events by Email

Don't want to have to keep checking back to the site?

You can sign up to receive a weekly summary email of all upcoming tech-related events in your area via the ITP Mailing Lists.

If you're already an ITP member or have already signed up to receive events in your area through ITP you should automagically receive this summary every Tuesday. Click here to log in and change your settings if you'd prefer.

If you're not an IIP member, simply create a profile here (it's free). We'll never give your details to anyone else and you can unsubscribe whenever you want.

You'll receive a weekly "Summary" email of all events in your area, plus separate notices of upcoming ITP events. Or if you'd prefer, simply change the Email Options when signing up to receive only the summary or only the ITP notices.